Permanencias Ilusórias / Fundação PT


…”Her works explore the knowing how to see and knowing how to look, something which stems from an inner path. A road map and personal itinerary, marked by encountered or self-imposed obstacles, to which the artist proposes, conquers and surpasses, in a sensible search for the boundaries between the sacred and the profane; order and chaos; consciousness and instinct. Pervious to the knowledge that her experience gives her, Stefanie builds her work, not particularly interested in recording what nature has of physical, or material, but what is deeper, that emanates from it. Thus, against the current demand for consumption of the immediate, its production looks at nature in the light of hierophanies, allowing finally that all this is revealed as a temple; as an absolute reality; and as a center, from which the cosmic unfolding and the ontological explanation of the world becomes possible…”

Madalena Dornellas Galvão


Pele - Agua / Water Museum Lisbon


Twisted Roots / Geological Museum in Lisbon